Our Back in Time Family Fun Days are huge events that we hold twice or three times a year. We hold them on a Sunday to enable families to attend together where possible.
Horses to Horsepower Family Fun Day
Lots of fun and things to do for all the family on Sunday 15 June from 9am to 2pm at Cooneana Heritage Centre.
See our latest horse, Banjo - created by Ned Kelly and looking great. He's a big one that will be seen regularly on open days!
Visit with Old MacDonald's Travelling Farm animals. Petting is allowed.
Mr Magic will give us a show. Can you work out how he performs his magic tricks?
The Veteran and Vintage Vehicle Club will show some of their vehicles and every historical display space will be open.
See and hear some stationary engines whose owners are happy to talk about them.
Have a chat with the volunteers at the mobile Police Beat and pick up some useful information.
See all the attractions on a Trackless Train trip and have a short ride on a Heritage Bus too.
Teach the kids some bush dances with the Ridgee Didge Bush Band and sing along with them.
Coffee, tea and a sausage sizzle will be available for purchase. Or perhaps you prefer some cake or biscuits.
Cooneana Blacksmiths will be working away at their forges - check it out and see what they can make.
Don't forget to look at the stalls and play some old-fashioned games with the children.
The Spinners, Weavers, Fibre Artisans of Ipswich will be open, as will the Ipswich Genealogical Society and the Historical Motorcycle Club of Queensland. They all have lots to show you.
Tickets: $7.50 adults, $5.00 children or get a family ticket for two adults and up to four children for $25.00.
This event has been assisted by the Ipswich City Council's Community Events Funding Program.