Our Team
The Ipswich Historical Society encourages members to actively participate in the running of Cooneana Heritage Centre and the museum. There are always jobs that need to be done and members volunteer their time and labour to ensure these tasks are completed.
Members vote for those who are willing and able to lead the organisation once a year.
At the Annual General Meeting in October every year, an Executive Committee is elected to manage the affairs of the Society for the following year.
This committee is made up of the President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary.
For 2024 to 2025 our President is Hugh Taylor, Vice President is Martin Geddes, 2nd Vice President is Sandi Jones, Treasurer is Janine Kirby and Secretary is Carmel Crimean.
Executive Committee meetings are held monthly on a day and at a time that suits members. This is usually two weeks prior to Members' Meetings.
All interested Members meet at Cooneana Heritage Centre on the first Saturday of every month (except January) commencing at 9.00 am. The meeting is followed by a friendly cuppa and refreshments. Members contribute $2.00 towards the cost of refreshments.
One member of the Ipswich Genealogical Society, the Historical Motorcycle Club, the Spinners, Weavers, Fibre Artisans of Ipswich, the Queensland Metal Artisans Collective and the Ipswich Mini Crafters takes out membership of Ipswich Historical Society to liaise between the groups. This gives them the right to attend and vote at Members' meetings on items that concern their members.
If an event is planned at one of these meetings, details will be published on the Events page.